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Dorothy Murray Elder
Aug 17, 20231 min read
We are family!
Families can be a life-giving force when they are healthy and relatively stress-free. When healthy,there can be one constant you can...
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Dorothy Murray Elder
Feb 28, 20221 min read
The dysfunction in families!
Healthy boundaries help define relationships and foster trust All individuals and families have challenges, but some families have...
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Dorothy Murray Elder
Feb 3, 20221 min read
Healing from the inside out!
Many things shape you. Finally, you become the person you currently are. It can be your upbringing, a bad relationship, or a traumatic...
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Jyn Riddle
Dec 6, 20213 min read
Ignorance isn't always bliss!
Think about the years of falling out with others over a minor argument or deed, over something selfish or ignorant, and the cycle repeats...
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