Think about the years of falling out with others over a minor argument or deed, over something selfish or ignorant, and the cycle repeats itself. sometimes it's around a jerk, and sometimes the jerk is you. (The devil made you do it). :)
I want you to think about if you are self-aware and, if not, how do you work on that. Self- Awareness by definition, is "conscious knowledge of one's character, feelings, motives, and desires." I can personally speak as someone who wasn't self-aware,"
Let's talk about some of the signs of not being self-aware.
You tend to be a very aggressive person or passive-aggressive - All of us have created an identity for ourselves; it's a way to protect ourselves from people and situations that could hurt us. But when you become aware of yourself, you will know what makes you authentic and confident. You will also see that you aren't everyone's cup of tea, and that is perfectly okay. Self-confidence keeps you from getting your feelings hurt.
You don't understand yourself - While this may seem like a no-brainer, there is a difference between not understanding yourself and having the knowledge that you don't understand yourself. (Dorothy can help you with this one).
You seek approval from others - We all seem to desire those who are important to us. We want them to approve of us; it's simply how we are wired as humans. However, we tend to stay in unfulfilling jobs, relationships, and situations because of the imaginary image we need to keep up with, but it is fake and used to fit in with the outside world. Only you know what is right for you. Even if they paid your bills, no one knows what makes you happy and content more than you do! Be confident that you are a one-of-a-kind genius. You are necessary, essential, and valuable, just like you are. Now free yourself from the opinions and expectations of others. Yes! Get the sharks out of your life. Don't live an unhappy life to please others. You are not supposed to fix their problem.
There are many other signs that we could talk about; these have resonated with me in my journey to become a more aware person. I pray they are helpful to you.
Mean what you say and say what you mean! I am Jyn; and I am someone who tends to be passive-aggressive, I have learned that people don't take you seriously when you don't express what you need. You need to be and feel transparent. I am learning that my thoughts, feelings, and opinions matter. If people get mad because you enforce boundaries, that is okay; maybe it's time to assess if that person belongs in your life.
Know thyself - I had buried myself under a false identity to protect myself from conflict, disappointing others, and not being comfortable with who God created me to be. Over the last year, I have done a lot of work, asking God who I am. With a safe support system, practicing vulnerability has helped me breakthrough. I encourage you to do the same.
The people meant for you are handpicked - I regret that I spent so many years working on getting approval from someone I felt was necessary. Unfortunately, I missed the people in front of me that loved me for who I am. I am very confident that the right people for you are handpicked. No, I am not everyone's cup of tea, and that's a good thing. It's not a deficit or a flaw. I love who I am becoming, and the ones closest to me do too!
Work hard to become a healthier, more confident, and more fulfilled person. Impact Dynamics is here to help with many classes and courses. It will be hard and even painful to peel back the layers but becoming who you are created to be is worth it. Unapologetic be strong, lovely, beautiful, dynamic, and worthy! You'll be glad you did!!!